Oh, and I chose to let the reaper have at it with the council in the first game, guess what alignment they painted that patriotic decision with. If the mate DOES seek to have kids, we're breaking even on numbers generated here (Asari kids born vs human kids born), if they DON'T, the Asari still got kids.Īlso? Nepotism WITHIN YOUR OWN RACE leads to members of your own people gaining power (whether they deserve it or not), Nepotism when your kid is half-Asari puts an Asari in charge. The 'merely good genetic stock' isn't helping either, because the mate in question won't necessarily pursue a relationship that leads to kids whereas Asari birthing culture is RARELY purebreeding. If things turned dark peacefully, you'd find everyone being asked to vote as equals and Asari outnumbering the other races, if things turned dark DARKLY then they logically outnumber everyone else AND have the best of all intergalactic species. Turians may have coexisted with Asari for thousands of years (though I doubt the realism of them still being around), but at the very least if mating with your own kind is seen as ugly a taboo as inbreeding then those thousands of years have seen the birth of Turian-Asari, Salarian-Asari and Krogan-Asari (and probably every other race). One feels the leg and says it must be a tree, one feels the trunk and says it must be a snake, one feels the tail and says it must be a rope, and so on.Īrdat Yakshi are rare, whoever heard of looking down on purebloods? Even humans can give birth to a kid with genetic defects, yet no one would suggest tabooing human birth because of those rare conditions. It's sort of a riff on the old story of the blind men and the elephant. Otherwise, how would Asari statues work (there's at least one place where you see statues). Maybe there's some telepathy at work causing them to focus on these details to increase the asari's sex appeal, but it's not full-on illusion. Frex, the turian points out the head fringe. I don't think they're all seeing a blue version of their own species, it's that they all fixate on aspects of the Asari physiology that match their own. It may be that it only looks that way when they have their sex appeal "turned on", which most Asari do all the time, but that bartender did not? I don't remember her anyway.

They all think she looks like an attractive member of their species. They get into an argument over what the Asari table dancer looks like. There's a bar in ME2 with a Turian, a Salarian, a Human, and a uhh.whatever the ones with the pressure suits are. So yeah, Asari? A disaster waiting to happen. Several thousand years down the line, while you're saying 'Those awful specists are thankfully a thing of the past', you've become a member of the last generation of humankind and the Salarians have failed to create ANOTHER genome project because Salarian-Asari are intelligent enough to stop this from happening (and guess what, the only Salarians who will be called the good guys will be the ones who wisely sided with the Asari). However, WHILE BEING THE GOOD GUY, your species is going extinct. You CAN'T do something about this without being the bad guy. How does this continue to get more twisted? The average Asari (the majority of the population here) aren't doing this out of maliciousness, they're doing it because their leaders have socially engineered their culture to this place.

While same gender relationships between humans don't result in more humans, women (the only gender able to give birth) can have same gender relationships (let's be honest, Asari are an all female race) with Asari and while the human woman wouldn't get pregnant, the Asari would. Here's where it continues to get twisted:

What does this result in? Less of the other races and more of the Asari. They (the leaders of their society) convinced Asari that purebreeding is something bad, that they should breed with other races. Here's why I found the Asari race to be a secretly forbidding species:Īsari only give birth to Asari right? And that's ever, right? So while same gender relationships between humans don't result in humans, same gender relationships between Asari do, AND.this has got to be the most evil social engineering experiment I've ever seen: